Measure and advocate local parks using geospatial data
This blog post discusses the role of geospatial data for advocating and measuring the essential role of parks and recreational areas in and around cities and metropolitan areas.
This blog post discusses the role of geospatial data for advocating and measuring the essential role of parks and recreational areas in and around cities and metropolitan areas.
GeoDash [https://auth.lotadata.com/signup.html?origin=https://geodash.lotadata.com].ai provides Mobile Analytics and People Intelligence with fascinating visuals for apps, publishers, demand partners, and telcos. Team CITYDATA.ai were heads-down developing version 2.0 of GeoDash for the better part of 2018. We are delighted to
This week, C [https://docs.lotadata.com/]ITYDATA.ai released version 2.0 [https://docs.lotadata.com/] of the mobile data SDK. This is a significant milestone for our company and for the mobile developer community. SDKs or Software Development Kits are pieces of embedded code that collect data from
McKinsey estimates that today’s car has the computing power of 20 personal computers, features about 100 million lines of programming code, and processes up to 25 gigabytes of data an hour. While that might feel like a lot of data, it does not even compare with autonomous cars that
The shopping mall is ingrained in our culture. American families would look forward to fun weekend outings at the local shopping mall. Malls offered exciting new worlds of wondrous discoveries, where anticipations were magically materialized. But the past two decades have brought about a dramatic reversal of fortunes for malls
"Please set your portable electronic devices, including any mobile phones, to flight mode," boomed the Flight Service Manager as she rushed past my seat. This was my third warning. The aircraft turned onto the runway. With a guilty glance, I continued to feverishly trace words on my phone
Mobile marketers analyze billions of anonymized and aggregated mobile location signals or geo-cookies each day to understand why people are where they are and what is on their minds. > Just like web browsers use cookies for identifying users, location is the geo-cookie for knowing your mobile users in the