
A collection of 8 posts

Geo-Analytics on Steroids !

Geo-Analytics on Steroids !

GeoDash [].ai provides Mobile Analytics and People Intelligence with fascinating visuals for apps, publishers, demand partners, and telcos. Team were

What makes the ideal mobile SDK ?

What makes the ideal mobile SDK ?

This week, C [] released version 2.0 [] of the mobile data SDK. This is a significant milestone for our company and for the

How well does your car know you?

How well does your car know you?

McKinsey estimates that today’s car has the computing power of 20 personal computers, features about 100 million lines of programming code, and processes up to 25 gigabytes of data an hour. While

Making our malls great again with data

Making our malls great again with data

The shopping mall is ingrained in our culture. American families would look forward to fun weekend outings at the local shopping mall. Malls offered exciting new worlds of wondrous discoveries, where anticipations were

Top 5 Mobile Gaming Micro-moments

Top 5 Mobile Gaming Micro-moments

Mobile gamers are an interesting bunch. We should know. We are them. The typical mobile gaming session transpires at home and at work, through commutes, across multiple different places and venues, intertwining in-game