UniverCity Council Podcast: (Dr. Cand.) Okkie Putriani, Universitas Atma Jaya, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

UniverCity Council Podcast Series
Guest: (Dr. Cand.) Okkie Putriani, S.T., M.T.
Lecturer - Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Ph.D Program - Universitas Gadjah Mada
Hosts: Ruwie Rahardjo and Apurva Kumar
UniverCity.ai and CITYDATA.ai
About Okkie Putriani: bu Okkie is the Lecturer in Civil Engineering at Universitas Atma Jaya, Yogyakarta in Indonesia. She specializes in statistics, surveying, and entrepreneurship. She is pursuing a doctorate program in Civil Engineering, with a focus on Big Data for Transportation at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Bu Okkie works closely with the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation (MoT) as well as the United Nations Pulse Lab on mobility data analysis for transportation strategy and planning.
Time Tagged Excerpts:
Mobility and transportation solutions should based on the ABCGM pentahelix framework (where A stands for academics, B stands for businesses, C stands for community, G stands for government, and M stands for media).
Jogja and Surabaya are the examples of smarter cities in Indonesia. I live in Jogja, the mini Silicon Valley in Indonesia. A lot of creative technologists live in Jogja.
Indonesian transportation agencies conduct a biannual survey for origin-destination analysis. Such surveys are done manually by knocking on doors. In 2016-2017 we started using telco data for OD. However, we found that working with a single telco provider was not sufficient. In 2018 we started looking for big data from Google, Facebook and other data providers like CITYDATA.ai
Data security is a serious problem in Indonesia.
Accurate census data is invaluable for transportation engineering studies which mainly consist of four steps: trip generation, trip distribution, split models, and trip assignment. OD matrices combined with census data are essential for meaningful trip distribution.
Smart cities should be measured in terms of innovative technology, systems infrastructure, and human resources.
Indonesia is an archipelago. The mobility infrastructure problems in remote islands can pose many challenges for the country.
Bagi saya kekuatan wanita itu ada singkatannya, WOMEN: Workaholic (kerja keras), Organize, Marketing, Entrepreneurship (memiliki jiwa kewirausahaan), Networking (menjalin mitra dengan baik).
Wanita dengan pilihan untuk bekerja tentang Big Data, secara biologi memang berbeda antara pria dan wanita namun tidak membatasi akan value yang ingin kita capai. Kita dianugerahi kemampuan dan kemauan yang dapat membuktikan keberhasilan kita dalam meraih sesuatu.
Saya melihat 2018 berinisiatif untuk mengambil big data sebagai topik penelitian disertasi saya. Tidak ada yang membayangkan 2020-2021 ini dapat berinteraksi sejauh ini dengan CityData. Ternyata rencana akan membantu lebih mudah terwujud adanya good willing. Rencana 5 tahun ini saya menyelesaikan disertasi, sembari mengenalkan big data dalam dunia teknik sipil. 2022-2023 ingin mewujudkan Pusat Studi Big Data di Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta.
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