CITYDATA provee mobility intelligence para ciudades inteligentes, agencias
gubernamentales, operadores de movilidad y empresas del mundo real. La
plataforma de CITYDATA cuenta con datos de más de 1500 ciudades de todo el mundo [], the #1 company for mobility data intelligence
for over 1500 global cities announced today their partnership with Autotraffic,
Mexico’s #1 company for traffic management, and with Vixionere,
> This blog post is published in both English and Spanish.
> ESPAÑOL: Esta entrada de blog se adentra en los datos de movilidad y los
patrones de movimiento de disparo salto para
> This blog posts delves into the mobility data and trip hop movement patterns for
the largest metropolitan region in the Americas.
> Sign up for our webinars to learn from our data
> This blog posts delves into the mobility data and trip hop movement patterns for
one of the largest metropolitan regions in Brazil.
> Sign up for our webinars to learn from our