The Ideal Take-off and Landing Spots for eVTOLs
A Scientific Approach to Vertiport Site Selection for Urban Air Mobility using CITYSIM Imagine a
Autonomous cars, electric vehicles, air taxis, ride-sharing, e-scooters, urban transport simulators, big data, and AI are transforming how cities measure and manage mobility. Through this newsletter, brings you the relevant headlines, policies, industry trends, and events shaping the future of mobility.
Previous editions of the monthly Future Mobility newsletter are archived on this page. Please select from the links below to view the newsletter content for each month. brings mobility data + Ai to make cities worldwide smarter, safer, equitable, and resilient. Our geospatial platform combines public and private datasets to create mobility digital twins for +1500 cities. We can provide deep insights about how many people are in your cities, what are their movement patterns, how they interact with the real world, and what is their overall impact on the community.